Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Acne Melbourne Desperately Looking For The Best And Most Effective Natural Treatment For Acne Blemishes/scars On BLACK SKIN?

Desperately looking for the best and most effective natural treatment for Acne blemishes/scars on BLACK SKIN? - acne melbourne

Hello to all

I am a black woman (Africa). 23 years and have suffered from acne, what feels like an eternity. Soooo I am desperate to find a solution to this problem, I will list some of the treatments I've tried:

Proactive small grains for a while and then again

Antibiotics Minomycin script, worked the keys

Glycolic acid peel / treatments: He suffered a series of tanks with a dermatologist glycolic acid Neostrata products and support at home and at. These helped, but not solve my problem.

I am currently on Differin (0.1%), which was prescribed to me by another dermatologist. I have entered this period of 4 weeks without any change or improvement, still have a lot of beans and dark markings.

Sorry for the length of this question, I'm just angry, frustrated and totally depressed about this. that does not help that I'm in Melbourne, Australia, where it seems to be no treatment for black skin.

Thank you for reading:)


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