Monday, December 21, 2009

Baby Chickens For Sale Tips On Being A Stay At Home Mom...for DIRT CHEAP?

Tips on being a stay at home mom...for DIRT CHEAP? - baby chickens for sale

My ideas:

Cosleeper * (no cradle)
Cloth diapers *
* The Homemade Baby Food
* Breastfeeding
* As much as I can in my back yard development
* Lady Downs and fresh laundry
Buy flea markets, etc. :-)
* Chicken Shack (yes, really! Fresh eggs and chickens ..
are amazingly easy to use:))
* A car ... I drive a rear joint working
and some days you can just drive!
if there is no need to run a race
* Cook From Scratch (including tomato sauce
May, tomatoes, bread)
* Do you have a large room unnecessary, is
Section (with real installable wall) and
kiddos make room:) .. still leaves a margin
small living room ... This saves on rent.
* Library card to rent books and videos
* No cable ... I know this is extreme, but ..
I've done before, and it is amazing how
You have and do not see what
missing. :-)

:-) Even more suggestions?


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