Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Compact Pc Cases I Have An Hp Slimline Compact Pc And I Want To Put A Better Video Card In It What Will Fit In This Small Area?

I have an hp slimline compact pc and i want to put a better video card in it what will fit in this small area? - compact pc cases

I have 1 free PCI slot open design, I present an NVIDIA graphics card and now I want to stay with this brand, but I have a 8500 GT card inside, but not sure if it fits .. Does anyone know a video card that can be placed in this map case.will Slimline adjustment or do I buy a box bigger. Please help me if possible


Helping Since 1969 said...

Slimline be adapted and more acceptable. Check the size and type of card that is currently installed, and you go with this kind if it is incorporated, it becomes more complicated.,

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