Thursday, December 31, 2009

Boxing Punching Technique How Do I Train To Deliver Powerful Punches In Boxing? I Know The Technique But I Wanna Train On My Punch.?

How do i train to deliver powerful punches in boxing? I know the technique but i wanna train on my punch.? - boxing punching technique

I'm good with technology (eg, stay on your feet and rotate hips and feet in the direction of the holes). I want real power package in my punch.How I do? Pls reply! Thank you!


Belgium G said...

The old adage that Punchers are born not taught or trained to drill, if this is the case, every person that the boxes would have enormous benefits, harder you train the muscles for more power, but hardly the strength to improve techniques to help you with the best train, but good old mom and dad when the physical nature.

Belgium G said...

The old adage that Punchers are born not taught or trained to drill, if this is the case, every person that the boxes would have enormous benefits, harder you train the muscles for more power, but hardly the strength to improve techniques to help you with the best train, but good old mom and dad when the physical nature.

Kieron H said...

Why are some pages, oblique and back, and the strengthening of training periods, you know, the machines are sitting on a tower and the up or down spins. You could make a good triceps work, but they also want the resistance of the train.

Usher_Bo... said...

UR gud u sed to twist your body, so U should use ur body weight, when U-turn, try to hook the body when Ur finally tested in battle and see.

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